Military Police (MP)
The Military Police of the Timor-Leste Defence Forces (F-FDTL) is one of the key security institutions in the country, playing a crucial role both in internal security and the protection of national sovereignty. The F-FDTL consists of various units, including the Military Police, which supports public security operations and helps maintain public order in situations requiring military intervention.
The main mission of the F-FDTL Military Police is to ensure both internal and external security for Timor-Leste and assist in supporting the civil police. The Military Police works closely with other security forces, such as the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL), especially in areas like riot control, security operations in crisis situations, and other tasks that involve the use of military force.
In addition to its peace-time responsibilities, the F-FDTL Military Police also plays a vital role in emergency situations, such as natural disasters or events that might threaten public safety. In these cases, the Military Police quickly mobilizes to provide logistical support, humanitarian assistance, and ensure the safety of the affected population.
The training of the F-FDTL Military Police members is rigorous, emphasizing both technical skills and leadership and discipline abilities. Officers are trained to handle a wide range of situations, from routine policing to conflict management during crises. Physical, psychological, and tactical training prepares officers to fulfill their mission efficiently, safely, and professionally.
Structurally, the Military Police is divided into different units, each specialized in various aspects of public security. These units include patrol units, special operations units, and logistical support units. Furthermore, the F-FDTL Military Police also participates in international peacekeeping missions, contributing to the stability of other nations, which reinforces Timor-Leste's commitment to peace and international cooperation.
Finally, the Military Police of the F-FDTL is essential to the functioning of Timor-Leste's national security system. Through their hard work and dedication, they contribute to maintaining peace, public order, and the safety of citizens, making them one of the most respected and valued institutions in the country.