2nd Battalion conducted a symbolic Forced March

To celebrate the Independence Day of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (RDTL), the 2nd Battalion conducted a symbolic Forced March, showcasing discipline, endurance, and patriotism. The event, which traversed historic routes in the capital city of Dili, involved military personnel and veterans, paying tribute to the nation’s struggle for freedom. Civilians lined the streets, applauding the Armed Forces’ dedication to safeguarding the country’s sovereignty. 

Beyond the physical challenge, the march included lectures on independence history, fostering national pride among participants. "We honor those who sacrificed their lives for our freedom," emphasized an officer during the ceremony. The initiative also bridged generational gaps, connecting young recruits to Timorese resistance heroes. 

Contact Us

Ave. Nicolao Lobato, Fatuhada
Comoro, Dili, Timor-Leste

Phone: +670 78156312
Email: info@fdtl.mil.tl